Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download


The current version of ResEdit is 1.6.6. You can download 32-bit or 64-bit version :

ResEdit changelog is available here.

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Utorrent

You will need the Windows® Platform SDK to develop with ResEdit.


Tune up, optimize, tweak, repair and clean up your computer for faster performance. If you want your computer to run more stably and faster with less errors and system halts, but cannot afford expensive optimizing applications or a highly specialized technical team, Free PC TuneUp Suite delivers an incredible solution. Updates / fixes since 0.5.4 beta by CmarNYC: Improved array handling in DDSPanel to correct memory problems Addition of Mermaid and Spellcaster values to HideForOccultFlags in CASP Tuning updated. Tips: Use 7-Zip for faster extracting speed (extraction should take around 15 seconds with 7-zip, but can take up to 10 minutes with the default extractor). Alternatively, OTB is also available via package management system on some Linux distributions. Jan 29, 2019 Download or get your weapon mod handy. A great place to get weapons is from Make a new folder for a resource and make a resource.lua and leave it empty. Note; you can place weapons folder inside another resources stream folder. Inside your new resource make a stream folder followed by a weapons folder (FolderNameStreamWeapons.

ResEdit is a freeware program. You can donate if you want to support ResEdit development.

Thank you in advance!


You will find some screenshots on this page

The Dialog EditorThe Menu Editor
The StringTable EditorResource code preview


ResEdit online documentation is available on this page.

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download


  • Importing rc files generated by Microsoft Visual Studio resource editor.
  • Supported formats : Resource Script (rc), Compiled Resource Script (res), Win32 Portable Executable (exe, dll).
  • Format conversion in command-line mode.
  • Advanced Dialog editor. All existing kind of Win32 controls are supported (Static text, Buttons, Edit controls, Pictures, ...).
  • A basic picture editor to open and modify bitmaps, icons and cursors
  • Possibility to include all sort of resources.
  • Generation of C++ code for the Dialogs (code with CreateWindowEx) and Menus (CreateMenu, CreatePopupMenu...). However it is not possible to import C++ sources files.
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo buffers
  • Customizable layout : you can drag and drop panels to place it wherever you want.


You can help me if you want to translate ResEdit into your language. This file contains all characterstrings which can be translated.To create a new language, you just have to begin a new column with your language name.

Please send me your txt ou modified xls file, even if your translation is incomplete. It will be released on this site.

MultiEx Commander

The Original Multi Game Archive Extractor from the same guys that host this WIKI. MultiEx Commander is a tool that extracts from and edits 400 games at least! Aims at 100% working with all the games it supports. (Auto)Preview of pictures, sounds and the like. Comprehensive editor included. Scripted process enables users to support new games themselves!

Platform: Windows XP/Windows 98
Installation: Setup .exe
Support files needed: None
Type: Shareware

Game Extractor

A tool that extracts files from over 2900 game archives. Many archives can also be edited and saved. Includes file previews for many common file types, and a scanner to locate sounds and images in unsupported archives. Display files in an archive as a table, or as a list of thumbnail images, allowing you to quickly see all the images in an archive.

Platform: Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, Solaris
Installation: Setup .exe or .zip
Support files needed: Java Runtime Environment 8
Type: GPL, Java (Basic Version), Shareware (Full Version)
Source Code: Available at

Main Game Extractor Interface

Dragon Unpacker

A tool that extracts from and edits a massive number of Game Resource Archives.

Platform: Windows XP/Windows 98
Installation: Setup .exe or .7z
Support files needed: None
Type: MPL, Delphi

Game File Explorer

A tool that extracts from a number of Game Resource Archives. Includes a scanner that will look for sounds and images in unsupported archives.

Platform: Windows 98 (no known bugs on XP)
Installation: Zipped DLLs and executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware
Website: (broken link)

Game Audio Player

A tool that can read directly (or embedded) music/sound of Game Resource Archives.

Platform: Windows XP/Windows 98
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware
Website: (broken link)

Magic Extractor


A tool that extracts from and edits a massive number of Game Resource Archives.

Platform: Windows XP/Windows 98
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Pc

Game Archive UnPacker

Plugin for Total Commander that extracts from and edits a massive number of Game Resource Archives.
The PRO version of GAUP also can add files to Game Resource Archives!

Platform: Windows XP/Windows 98
Installation: Zipped DLLs
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware/Shareware

Wombat Game Tools

A tool that extracts, views, and allows import on around 50 older games, mainly from Apogee and Epic MegaGames.

Platform: Windows XP/98
Installation: Zipped program
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware

TrID File Identifier

An all-purpose file identification tool with an easily expandable database, it currently recognizes about 5,000 file types.

Platform: Windows - Linux/x86
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: filetypes definitions package
Type: Freeware

File Stripper

A tool that can extract and re-inject a number of common file types from any other file.

Platform: Windows
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware

Jaeder Naub

A file ripper than can extract and re-inject a number of common file types from any other file.

Platform: Windows
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Loveware
Website: Jaeder_Naub (always online) or (rarely online)


A tool that mounts a GRAF as part of the Linux filesystem.

Platform: Linux
Installation: Source distribution
Support files needed: Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE)
Type: Open source/free software (GNU GPL license)


A tool that extract embedded bitmaps (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF) files from any given file. It search for bitmap's headers / signatures and create a new file for every data block that seems a valid image.

Platform: Windows XP - Linux/x86
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: none
Type: Freeware


Tool that can extract files from few of the game resource archives.

Platform: Windows / DOS
Installation: Files are stored in Rar archive, extract them wherever you like
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware / Postcardware
Website: ( )

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Windows 7


Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Pc

Command line tool that can extract unencrypted MS Wave, MPEG audio and Ogg Vorbis files from any data files

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Utorrent

Platform: multiple (compiled as Windows binary)
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: None
Type: Freeware / Open Source


Visual Basic 2005 program with support for multiple formats

Platform: Windows 98/Windows XP
Installation: Zipped executable
Support files needed: .NET framework 2.0 (x86 link)
Type: Freeware

Resource Extractor Re V0.5 Download Torrent

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