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In addition to being the author of the 35-million-copies best seller Psycho-Cybernetics, one of Dr. Maxwell Maltz's crowning achievements was the formation of an audiobook called Zero Resistance Living. In this powerful program, read by president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Matt Furey, you are taken behind the scenes, wherein you hear the type of dialogue Dr. Maltz regularly engaged in. Psycho-Cybernetics and Self-Fulfillment: The Pscycho-Cybernetics Mastery Series (Audio Download): Maxwell Maltz MD, Matt Furey, Gildan Seminars: Audible. Psycho-Cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell maltz, which means, 'steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world, peace of mind.' Since its first publication in 1960, Maltz's landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of. Matt Furey Welcome to the Official Site of Psycho-Cybernetics and Theatre of the Mind. This is where we do as the good doctor, Maxwell Maltz, did for so many years. We heal internal scars.
Since its first publication in 1960, Maltz’s landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and amplified to make Maltz’s message even more relevant for the contemporary reader.
“Before the mind can work efficiently, we must develop our perception of the outcomes we expect to reach. Maxwell Maltz calls this Psycho-Cybernetics; when the mind has a defined target it can focus and direct and refocus and redirect until it reaches its intended goal.” —Tony Robbins (from Unlimited Power)
Maltz was the first researcher and author to explain how the self-image (a term he popularized) has complete control over an individual’s ability to achieve (or fail to achieve) any goal. And he developed techniques for improving and managing self-image—visualization, mental rehearsal, relaxation—which have informed and inspired countless motivational gurus, sports psychologists, and self-help practitioners for more than fifty years.
The teachings of Psycho-Cybernetics are timeless because they are based on solid science and provide a prescription for thinking and acting that lead to quantifiable results.
’twas a long, long time ago.
I was listening to an audio series in my car when I first heard the phrase. And I was stunned by the imagery that came to mind.
The self-development speaker said, “If you don’t set goals that scare you, you’re not thinking big enough.”
Set goals that SCARE you? I thought to myself. That doesn’t make any sense at all.
Over the years I’ve heard this “set goals that scare you” refrain repeated by numerous motivational speakers. I wholeheartedly disagree.
Because fear paralyzes people. When you’re afraid it’s pretty hard to take action, to truly give a task your all.
Fear causes you to move in the opposite direction of what you want.
Instead of setting goals that “scare” you, how about setting goals that EXCITE you, goals that inspire you so much you feel compelled to get up and go?
More importantly, how about setting goals that you consciouslybelieve in?
If you consciously believe you can achieve an objective, you’re going to successfully persuade the subconscious part of your brain to believe it, too. But if you’re “scared” when you ponder your goal, you better lose the fear if you expect to get what you want.
So many people are setting goals that frighten them – and this is one of the main reasons that these same people, year after year, feel frustrated about where they are in life.
The Zero Resistance Living way of achieving goals teaches you to eliminate negative emotions from your visualization practice. You learn to set daily goals, which are the hallmark of the super achiever.
Having a 20, 10, 5 or 1-year goal only works when you are securing plenty of daily victories that create unstoppable forward momentum.
And that’s what both you and I want to see and experience.
Set daily goals that INSPIRE you and you’ll create momentum. With daily momentum, your long-term goals can be accomplished.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey Psycho Cybernetics
Matt Furey