Arcoaire Rpj Ii Furnace Manual
Polarizing requires a Modulating Current meter. Many VOM have them
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Arcoaire Rpj Ii Furnace Manual
now, they call em VOMM, for Volt Ohm Modulating Meter. Sure soundslike your low voltage moduator might be out of synch with the circuit
board. I remember the days when you had to manually synch the
modulator every time you serviced a unit. That could take as long as
an hour, if you had to go through the six or seven cycles of bootup
which were required to fine tune the synch.
I think Oscar has a more up to date manual than mine, but some new
furnace autosynch. Just turn the power switch off for half an hour,
and make sure the case of the furnace is properly grounded to drain
off the high impedance farrady charge. Of course, Os will provide the
specific details, being a helpful fellow as he is.
Christopher A. Young
You can't shout down a troll.
You have to starve them.
<> wrote in message
Oscar_Lives wrote:
> Did you polarize the thermostat when you installed it? Comfortmaker
> the thermostat polarized and sync'ed with the controller board
before it
> will work correctly.
Thanks for the reply. Can you tell me how to polarize and sync the
thermostat or is special equipment required?